Fremont Bail Bonds News of arrest
Fremont Bail Bonds News
Bail Bond information 510-760-9409
Information regarding arrest and other Police activity in Fremont taken from the Police Patrol Blotter for Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Incidents 318 Reports 43
Fremont bail bonds Theft Arrest
Officer Gentry & FTO Burkhammer investigated the theft of a generator in the 34300 block of Tupelo St. A 27 year old adult male, Fremont resident was arrested for the petty theft. Booked into the Santa Rita Jail
Fremont bail bonds Contempt of Court Arrest
Officer Perry located a wanted adult male at the Motel Six (south). The San Jose resident was wanted for contempt of court and was arrested for the same. Booked into the Santa Rita Jail
Vandalism Reported in Fremont:
CSO Aguirre investigated a vandalism at the Kaufman and Broad construction site located at Paseo Padre Parkway and Ardenwood Blvd. Unknown vandals spray painted a conex storage box with opinions of how the environment was being harmed by the new development.
Recovered Stolen Vehicle
Sgt. Miller was hailed down by a construction worker on Campus Ct. The worker found a strange bunch of car parts in the tall grass. It turns out some thieves stole a 1998 Corvette from Hayward and actually cut the vehicle into about 4’ long pieces. Amongst the remains was a VIN to confirm the vehicles identity.
Residential Burglary Investigation in Fremont:
FPD Burglary Detectives followed up with the residential burglary from Royal Palm the day before. A search in Oakland resulted in the arrest of one suspect and the recovery of some of the stolen property.
Fremont bail bonds: Driving on a Suspended License Arrest
Officer Hernandez & FTO Austin conducted a traffic stop on a 22 year old adult male, Fremont resident and arrested him for driving on a suspended license. Booked into the Santa Rita Jail
Warrant Arrest in Fremont:
Officer Taylor conducted a pedestrian stop on a 20 year old adult male, Newark resident and arrested him for warrants for illegal weapons and drugs. Booked into the Santa Rita Jail
5/6/14 5:49 p.m.
A victim reported his blue and gray Giant men’s 21 speed mountain bicycle was stolen while it was cable locked at the station between 0725-1749 hours. Case #1405-0997
5/06/2014 9:21 a.m.
An Officer detained a male and female for fare evasion and discovered that the female had a no bail warrant for theft. The female was debriefed by a Sergeant regarding BART related crimes before being cited for the fare evasion and booked into the Santa Rita Jail for the warrant. Case # 1405-0932
Fremont Police Department (CA)2000 Stevenson BlvdFremont, CA 94538Bail - It's what we do.